Lake St. Clair Fun Run
August 19, 2023
Presented by:
Walker Marine Sales
Benefiting: The Tilbury & Lighthouse Lions Clubs and local charities
Get ready for a great day of fun on the water, and at the dock at the second annual Shake the Lake Fun Run. Whether you are the first to the card stop or the last, we know you’ll have a blast.
A REMINDER THIS EVENT IS EXPECTED TO BE COMPLETELY SOLD OUT. If you or a guest has not registered soon they will not be able to attend. Unfortunately because of capacity issues, we do not have any flexibility on this.
The Event will be hosted at Cove's Landing Restaurant in Lighthouse Cove, Ontario Canada.
466 Tisdelle Drive, Tilbury, ON, N0P 2L0
There is no rain date, the event will run Saturday August 19th, rain or shine.
All participants must read and be aware of these safety rules and requirements.
If you would like to leave your boat overnight either the Friday night before or Saturday the night of, there is dockage available, just reach out to Cove Marina. Plenty of docking is available at the restaurant and the Marina.
During the event, docking space will be at a premium and rafting off will be necessary. Make sure you have adequate ropes and bumpers in your boat. Please dock safe and courteous and remember to lend a hand to your fellow participants docking. Rafting off should be done beside similar sized boats if possible.
There is a launch ramp onsite at Cove Marina. The ramp will be busy so come early.
If you intend to launch your boat that morning, there is some trailer parking on site but we also have plans if it is full. After launching, you’ll follow an event golf cart to a local parking area and get a ride back. Please give yourself plenty of time to launch, park, register, and get breakfast.
All participants must sign and hand in an event waiver. Print it here and bring it with you.
At registration every attendee will be required to sign a liability waiver in order to receive the official event wrist band which will give access to all event areas and will include your breakfast and dinner. After receiving their wrist band each player will get a gift bag that will contain their shirt and some goodies. If your captain has provided each attendee’s name the bag will be reserved for the individual, otherwise bags will be reserved under the ticket purchaser’s name. Arrive by 9:30AM at the latest in order to go through the check in process and enjoy the included buffet breakfast.
There is now fuel available in Lighthouse Cove at Waterfront Marina at the mouth of the Thames.
Also, the fuel dock at Belle River Marina has mid-grade fuel. The Sandbar Waterfront Grill has a fuel dock with 89 Octane low ethanol fuel as well.
- Players will receive a Poker Chip at each stop to be exchanged for a card at the end.
- Players must be registered by 10AM and must hand in their cards by 6PM, NO exceptions.
- The top 3 poker hands will earn prizes.
- Prizes awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place hands
- No Wild Cards/Jokers will be in play.
- If a player has hit all stops they will receive one bonus card.
- In the event of a tie, participants will have a chance to split or redraw 5 cards for a tie breaker.
Poker Hand will be ranked according to this diagram.
Dinner will be served buffet style starting at 6 PM. Big Shiny Tunes will be performing from 7:30 to 10:30. The winners will be announced and on stage at 7PM. Prize Raffle tickets will be available until drawn at approximately 7PM. 50/50 tickets will be sold throughout the night and will be drawn between 8 and 9PM.
In addition to an amazing live band there will be games and contests taking place.
More details to come.